기초영어회화 번외 7편 패턴으로 영어회화공부
1. Did you get scolded by your boss? - scold 꾸짖다 너의 보스에게 꾸짖음을 받았니?
꾸짖다 영어로 scold 라고 하면되구요
did you get ~~ 너 받았니~??
by ~에게
2. book, reservation – 예약영어로
book 은책으로 많이알려져있는데 book 이라는 예약 영어로 사용할수 있습니다.
3. i’m flying to 오사카 tomo – 이미 예약된 것 ing 티켓 공연 영화
4. be 동작 ing - 확실한 것
5. where are you at what are you doing? -어디야 거기서뭐해?
너 어디야 영어로 where are you
뭐해? 영어로 what are you doing
9. to+ v ~하기 위해서 , ~하는 것 으로 해석할 수 있어요
to take toeic to goet a good job to take care of my family 계속 붙여도됨
to make money is hard for “누구”
she does her blog to leave commnets for her visiters
to be a lawyer(로이얼) / to wait / to be at 5am
she is at the coffee shop to write an article for magazine
he is at the coffee shop to study be lawyer
she is to chatting with her friend in seattle
10. you don’t have to ~ 안해도된다
have to 패턴이죠? ~해야한다
11. often(옵튼)-자주 /mean-의미 , 못됬다 / addictive –중독/ noonish-정오쯤~/
13. You're smarter than before- 전보다 똑똑해졌다 (엘리 > 잭 said)
14. what do you usually do in the mornings
리나 – when I wake up on the bad I pray(기도) and make a bed(침대정리) after restroom and cook brakfast(브뤡퍼스트)
me – I have brakfast to gain weight(체중증가)
15.It was supposed to take 2 hours but it took 3 hours
2시간 걸렸어야 하는데 3시간 걸렸다.